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DDX in Small Animal Medicine



檔案大小:56.3 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


DDX in Small Animal Medicine(圖1)-速報App

Differential Diagnosis in Small Animal Medicine, Second Edition brings together comprehensive differential diagnosis lists covering a wide range of presenting signs. Download the FREE app and view selected topics (Approximately 10% of the content is viewable in the free app and tapping on the locked topic will launch the in-app purchase screen).

ABOUT: Differential Diagnosis in Small Animal Medicine

Second Edition brings together comprehensive differential diagnosis lists covering a wide range of presenting signs. The alphabetized lists cover the majority of presentations that are encountered in practice, including both common and uncommon conditions.

DDX in Small Animal Medicine(圖2)-速報App


Differential Diagnosis in Small Animal Medicine is vital reference tool for busy practitioners and students, saving hours of searching through multiple sources. Differential Diagnosis in Small Animal Medicine, Second Edition brings together comprehensive differential diagnosis lists covering a wide range of presenting signs. This new edition has been fully updated with alphabetized lists for improved navigation. The lists cover the majority of presentations that are encountered in practice, including both common and uncommon conditions.

Key Features:

DDX in Small Animal Medicine(圖3)-速報App

- Details differential diagnoses from diverse findings such as history, physical examination, diagnostic imaging, laboratory test results and electrodiagnostic testing

- Provides guidance on how common conditions are, and how commonly they are the cause of the presenting sign

- Useful throughout the working day for vets in small animal practice, the information will save hours searching alternative multiple references

DDX in Small Animal Medicine(圖4)-速報App

- New co-author Kate Murphy brings her expertise as an European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ECVIM) diplomate

Based on: 2nd Edition

Author: Alex Gough, Kate Murphy

DDX in Small Animal Medicine(圖5)-速報App

Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell


Locate a disease, symptom or medication in the fastest possible manner:

DDX in Small Animal Medicine(圖6)-速報App

- Use "Spotlight Search" from Home screen

- Tap and Hold launch icon to open Last Topic, History, Favorites ..

- Navigate using multiple indices

DDX in Small Animal Medicine(圖7)-速報App

- History to open frequently visited pages

- Bookmarks


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Mark topics with relevant information:

- Rich-text notes

- Voice memos

DDX in Small Animal Medicine(圖9)-速報App

- Annotations with scribble, doodle or text

You choose the method to note this regardless of the context you are in to ensure that the important facts are available whenever you access the topic, whether it is tomorrow or six months from now.

支援平台:iPhone, iPad